E-Business and New Venture Strategies that Impact Firm Performance


The recent surgence of new venture creations and failures has led practioners and researchers to identify the factors that impact new venture performance. One major research stream in the strategic management literature suggests that new venture strategic decisions are critical to their success. Research on new venture strategies has experienced limited success and beckons the call for more substantive studies. Failures of new ventures are often linked to their limited resources or ability to attract the needed resources and finding specific strategies to launch e-business ventures. Given the recent rise of technology ventures in transitional economies it represents an opportunity to examine the new venture strategy impact on the environment-performance relationship. The model presented in this paper is designed with the transitional economies in mind as the backdrop for testing the model. A brief literature review on environments, e-business, and new venture strategies is developed. A model framing the environment, new venture strategy, e-entrepreneur and performance is offered. Propositions describing the relationships of the variables in the model are developed. Finally, conclusions and implications for future research are discussed

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