IS accreditation in AACSB colleges via ABET


The development of ABET/CAC accreditation standards for IS programs presents an excellent opportunity for IS programs in AACSB-accredited business schools to improve their perceived quality and credibility. We argue that neglect by AACSB of IS/IT content has prompted this preemptive move on the part of ABET/CAC. A comparison of AACSB and ABET/CAC accreditation standards finds them to be generally quite compatible. Ironically, our survey of IS program leaders in AACSB-accredited business schools found familiarity with and interest in ABET/CAC standards to be just emerging. Although compliance with the ABET/CAC standards is evidently relatively high among most programs, understanding of potential benefits of accreditation is quite low. Also quite low is understanding of how colleagues might react to accreditation efforts

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