IT/IS Project Portfolio Selection in the Presence of Project Interactions – Review and Synthesis of the Literature


Adequately considering interactions among IT/IS projectsin the process of constructing an IT/IS project portfoliois an important requirement for value-based IT/IS projectportfolio selection. A lot of articles already deal with modelingapproaches to incorporate such interactions, but theliterature lacks a common terminology and a structured perspectiveon the manifold types of interactions and their effects.When applied in business practice, this may lead toa systematically wrong project portfolio selection. Basedon a comprehensive literature review, our contributions are(1) an identication of relevant classication dimensions ofIT/IS project portfolio selection, (2) the development of aframework that provides a structured perspective on deterministic,intratemporal interactions, and { as the main contribution{ (3) a unication of the terminology and the semanticsof interactions among IT/IS projects. This workshall support decision-makers in the identication of possibleinteractions among IT/IS project proposals

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