M&A driven IT transformation


Technological, economical, cultural, and political changesconstantly lead to new opportunities and challenges in today\u27shighly dynamic business environment. Increasingly,modern enterprises leverage the strategic instrument ofMergersand Acquisitions (M&A) to seize these tempting opportunitiesand adapt to the altering market conditions. AsInformation Technology (IT) penetrates the business of almostall enterprises, it has to be considered during virtuallyany M&A endeavor. Particularly the resulting need for ITtransformation in the course of the M&A post merger integration(PMI) phase represents a complex and intricate taskin which problem-specic models and tangible methods areof utmost importance. In all cases, the design of such helpfulartifacts requires a solid foundation and a profound understandingwith regards to the specic context, drivers, andinuence factors in reference to the IT transformation.Based on related literature in the eld of M&A, we conducted15 explorative expert interviews with industry partnersfrom the German banking industry, who were involvedin a bank merger. In doing so, the interview partners revealedilluminative insights into possible problems, solutions,and pitfalls occurring during the transformation of IT. Thisarticle summarizes the key ndings of the semi-structuredtalks and compares them with approaches and statementssuggested by current M&A literature resources. In this vein,the stage is set for future research in the realm of IT transformationduring M&A situations which can benet from theempirical grounded results presented within this document

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