Towards a Shared Services Model to support e-Government implementation in Developing Countries: Findings from Liberia


The e-Government program in many developing countries is an emerging concept and at the formative stage. This paper focuses on Liberia, a developing country in sub-Saharan Africa faced with many challenges impeding government efforts to harness ICT to deliver quality services. Key among the challenges is the fragmentation of government information systems causing inoperability among government ministries and agencies. This paper describes a project in which we develop a shared services model to transform e-government implementation in Liberia by determining key services that will allow the government to share and leverage finite ICT resources. Few academic studies have been carried out to investigate approaches and ways of combining e-government services in order to implement shared services in a developing country. Through a case study approach, we propose electronic government services that have the potential to promote Shared Services Model implementation in sub-Saharan African countries

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