Trust in Electronic Markets, A Review and Synthesis of Theories


Electronic markets have grown substantially, and they are considered as a significant form of retail. Despite this growth, the lack of physical transactions between different parties as well as concerns about the privacy of users and the security of transactions has led to a decline in users’ trust in these platforms. This deficiency has motivated many researchers to study the concept of trust in the e-commerce environment. In this paper, we have created a comprehensive and up-to-date framework that synthesises the findings of the previous studies. To achieve this aim, we use a systematic literature review method. We searched 17 top-ranked information systems journals and conferences and reviewed the resultant pool of 127 papers. Beyond investigating the antecedents and consequences of trust in e-commerce, we reviewed the theoretical basis used in the literature. The study concludes with implications of the literature for practice and a critical agenda for future research

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