Discovering dynamic Virtual Team determinants through an interpretivist philosophical framework


Until recently most research has not been able to provide a consolidated view of all determinants that influence Virtual Teams (VTs). With increases in VT adoption a comprehensive approach is required to develop an understanding of new possible related determinants. A qualitative interpretivist approach is proposed as the underlying philosophy for this research project to allow for a more in-depth examination of the socially constructed subjective reality of participants. An examination of participants’ realities could provide a systematic view of new possible determinants that are relevant to VTs. Participants will be employees in VTs and will participate in semi-structured interviews across three phases throughout their membership in the team. Systematic analysis is proposed to take place as data is collected, with interviews conducted when the participant joins the team, mid-way through their team membership, and at the end of the team’s lifespan or the study. To ensure adequate data is captured, saturation calculations will take place alongside purposive sampling. All interviews will be recorded via an online platform and stored securely to ensure the integrity of the study. This will also ensure that coding and categorisation of activities can occur systematically. Findings from this research could provide new avenues for determinant analysis of VTs in the literature. The research output can also be used to assist practitioners to implement policies that will improve VT performance

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