Advancing Technological State-of-the-Art for GDPR Compliance: Considering Technology Solutions for Data Protection Issues in the Sharing Economy


Technology provides solutions that help create and drive growth in the Sharing Economy (SE). From the initial technologies that transformed the age-old practice of sharing into a digital disruption of traditional industries, to mobile-app technology delivering streamlined functionality to users, technology has paved the way. As the business model develops, it is no wonder the SE looks to developers to technologically capitalize on new trends and solve emerging challenges. One such challenge is the need to secure data and comply with data protection laws, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The ongoing struggle to achieve and maintain compliance under the GDPR keeps companies reanalyzing business practices. Often, new compliance gaps emerge, as demonstrated in this research, wherein analysis of SE processing activities uncovers potential privacy, security and data protection concerns related to the platform’s disclosure of personal data to end-users. This article invites those from tech fields into the inner workings of theoretical legal research, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the law, technology and industry. This research acknowledges that the path to GDPR compliance meanders through the fields of technology, and juxtaposes this reality with the results of close scrutiny of SE data processing practices to suggest future research paths

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