BYOD Security Policy Compliance Framework


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is an environment that allows employees to use their own personal device to access organisation’s resources to perform their work, but it has raised some security concerns as with BYOD, organisations face bigger challenges to safeguard their information assets. Compliance with ISP is a key factor in reducing organisation’s information security risks, as such, understanding employees’ compliance behaviour and other relevant factors that influence compliance with ISP is crucial. Hence, this study aims to explore this phenomenon by investigating the factors influencing employees in complying with BYOD Information Security Policy (ISP) in Malaysian public sector. A mixed method study on five (5) ministries in the public sector is proposed for the study. The understanding of these factors would assist in systematically developing a BYOD compliance framework for the public sector. This is critical as this trend is here to stay or even expand rapidly as employees carry more than one device to the workplace. The proposed framework will help improve ISP compliance to ensure organisational information assets are well protecte

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