This paper is a research in progress to assess changes in perceptions of the academic value of creating web-based learning materials. A survey was conducted in 2002 that assessed perceptions of faculty and administrators concerning the value of creating web-based learning materials, especially as it pertained to tenure decisions. A second survey was completed in 2008 (approximately one “tenure generation” later) to see if perceptions concerning academic value of web-based had changed. The use of web-based materials has increased in the years since the first survey as well as the arrival of new ways to create web-based materials. While some may feel that the passing years and increased use of information technology in the classroom should have changed perceptions, initial results between the two surveys were generally similar. This paper is a presentation of the basic survey results and a more detailed analysis will be presented at the SAIS Conference. Survey collection ended in November and a detailed analysis of 2008 data has not yet been completed. Specifically, we wish to pursue a deeper analysis based on the respondents’ tenure status and gender