Does Age Matter in Mobile User Experience? Impact of Age on Relative Importance of Antecedents of Mobile User Experience


Interest in user experience (UX) has grown as both academics and practitioners perceive that focusing on functional usability provides only a limited understanding of human computer interaction. UX is a comprehensive concept that goes beyond usability and utilitarian aspects of technology use, to include the non-utilitarian, aesthetic, emotional and experiential aspects. A growing body of research based on Hassenzahl’s basic UX model has examined the impact of hedonic and pragmatic product attributes on user perceptions of beauty and goodness of the technology, and their subsequent impact on satisfaction. However, the influence of age on these relationships has largely been ignored. We conducted a survey of children, young adults and the elderly’s mobile phone UX, and conducted a multi-group analysis of the UX model. We found that age really matters in mobile phone user experience. While prior research has focused on young adults, the important determinants of UX for children and the elderly differed significantly. In accordance with the UX model, young adults’ UX evaluation was influenced by both pragmatic and hedonic qualities. Children and the elderly on the other hand focused on hedonic qualities. Our study has implications for the study and practice of UX design

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