Open Government Data in an e-service Context - Managerial and Conceptual Challenges


Open government data (OGD) includes different data sets that are launched by government organizations in order to stimulate third-party development of e.g. apps for mobile devices. At the same time a government organization is expected to provide useful public e-services. Government organizations of today tend to treat OGD and e-services separately, so is the e-government community. The aim of this paper is to address challenges related to the work with OGD within an e-service context from: (1) a managerial, and (2) a conceptual perspective. A qualitative case study of the Swedish Transport Administration and their work with OGD and e-services as an empirical base in this paper. This paper illustrates, using a set of analytic categories generated from previous studies, that there are several challenges related to the managerial and conceptual work and perspectives concerning OGD. There are also different patterns present when managing e-services and OGD (bottom-up vs. top-down)

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