Shaping the Next Incarnation of Business Intelligence - Towards a Flexibly Governed Network of Information Integration and Analysis Capabilities


The body of knowledge generated by Business Intelligence (BI) research is constantly extended by a stream of heterogeneous technological and or- ganizational innovations. This paper shows how these can be bundled to a new vision for BI that is aligned with new requirements coming from socio- technical macro trends. The building blocks of the vision come from five research strings that have been ex- tracted from an extensive literature re- view: BI and Business Process Man- agement, BI across enterprise borders, new approaches of dealing with un- structured data, agile and user-driven BI, and new concepts for BI gover- nance. The macro trend of the diffu- sion of cyber-physical systems is used to illustrate the argumentation. The realization of this vision comes with an array of open research ques- tions and requires the coordination of research initiatives from a variety of dis- ciplines. Due to the embedded nature of the addressed topics within gen- eral research areas of the Information Systems (IS) discipline and the linking pins that come with the underlying Dynamic Capabilities Approach such research provides a contribution to IS

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