Designing Viable Security Solutions


Technological solutions that address issues like security, privacy and reliability have been developed by companies and inresearch projects. However, they often appear disconnected from markets, user needs and economic contexts. As a resultseveral security and privacy technologies have become market failures in recent years. Economic issues are often neglectedby technology developers. Instead security solutions continue to be designed with technological factors in mind, valuingincreases in security guarantees and even technical complexity over practical relevance. This paper argues that the widelylamented failure of many security solutions in the market is due to an overly technology- and complexity-driven designapproach. Building on a literature review, we derive a set of factors influencing the viability of security solutions in themarket, and thus the overall security level. We build on earlier approaches and findings from IT security and relateddisciplines, but integrate them in a larger paradigmatic framework targeting specifically the security domain

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