CoDoSA: A Lightweight, XML-Based Framework for Integrating Unstructured Textual Information


One of the most fundamental dimensions of information quality is access. For many organizations, a large part of their information assets is locked away in Unstructured Textual Information (UTI) in the form of email, letters, contracts, call notes, and spreadsheet. In addition to internal UTI, there is also a wealth of publicly available UTI on websites, in newspapers, courthouse records and other sources that can add value when combined with internally managed information. This paper describes a system called Compressed Document Set Architecture (CoDoSA) designed to facilitate the integration of UTI into a structured database environment where it can be more readily accessed and manipulated. The CoDoSA Framework comprises an XML-based metadata standard and an associated Application Program Interface (API). It further describes how CoDoSA can facilitate the storage and management of information during the ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) process to integrate unstructured UTI information. It also explains how CoDoSA promotes higher information quality by providing several features that simplify the governance of metadata standards and enforcement of data quality constraints across different UTI applications and development teams. In addition, CoDoSA provides a mechanism for inserting semantic tags into captured UTI, tags that can be used in later steps to drive semantic-mediated queries and processes

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