Growing Local Food Systems: Information Technology Use and Impacts in Geographically-Embedded Markets


Over recent decades, reliance on global food systems involving highly distributed supply chains has increased. However, as awareness of environmental, social, and health consequences of these arrangements has developed, so has interest in local food systems (LFSs) in which consumers are served by nearby producers and intermediaries. Yet, in spite of the purported benefits of LFSs, there are challenges which limit their impact. There is an opportunity for IS scholars to contribute by examining how technology is and could be used in geographically-embedded markets like LFSs. We draw on prior studies of IT use and impacts in markets to generate exploratory propositions regarding ways that IT might be used to in LFSs. The results have the potential to build a bridge between IS research and the study and development of LFSs and, thus, create opportunities for IS scholars to contribute directly to the economic health and quality of life of communities

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