Developing Learning System Continuance with Teachers and Students: Case Study of the Echo360 Lecture Capturing System


Research on learning system continuance has been focused mostly on students’ conscious behaviour. While the institutional decision to adopt and sustain the deployment of a new technology provides strong support for organisational adoption, the key factor for achieving long-term continuance relies on individual behaviour from different stakeholders, e.g., students, support staff and teachers. Existing literature on Information Systems (IS) continuance, however, suffers from weaknesses. On the one hand, perceptions from other stakeholders, such as teachers and support staff, are often neglected in the literature. On the other hand, there is a theoretical gap in explaining continuance behaviour through traditional models because unconscious automatic behaviour (e.g., IS habit) plays a more critical role in influencing continuance behaviour than previously expected. This study takes a qualitative approach to identify perceptions from students and teachers on which features and usage patterns of a lecture capturing system (Echo360) would develop long-term continuance behaviour through both conscious and unconscious behaviours. Our results suggest that long-term continuance can be achieved by a combination of Information Technology (IT) artefact extension (e.g., providing better search functionality and multimedia tagging) and developed IS habits through curriculum design

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