The Perceived Advantage of Agile Development Methodologies By Software Professionals: Testing an Innovation-Theoretic Model


Proponents of agile processes claim that agile practices result in higher quality software while allowing the flexibility to respond to evolving user requirements. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, no empirical study has really confirmed that benefits accrue to those who use agile processes. Grounded in the agility and diffusion of innovations literature, this research introduces a measure of process agility within the software development domain and relates it to constructs previously employed in the innovation literature. For agile methods, our study has provided empirical support for the proposal that agile development methods lead to developers’ beliefs that they are less complex, more compatible and provide increased benefits. Since developers believe that agility leads to increased benefits, they will be more likely to accept agile methods. For practitioners, this study provides valuable insights into the underlying factors that influence a developer’s beliefs about agile methods

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