Models for Information Sharing in Collaborative Supply Chains


As supply chains evolve beyond the confines of individual organizations, information sharing has become the Holy Grail in supply chain technology. It plays a key role in improving supply chain visibility and then achieving supply chain effectiveness and responsiveness. Although the values of information sharing are well recognized, there is little research on how to use it to coordinate supply chain processes dynamically. In this research, we propose an information sharing model and describe a methodology for applying this model to achieve different configurations of supply chain processes in response to internal or external events. In addition, we analyze events and their causalities based on Petri net technology. This formal approach can be used to develop an engine for supply chain event management (SCEM) and then achieve a sense-andrespond capability for supply chains to react to events in a real-time manner. The purpose of this research is to show how to achieve supply chain configurability by leveraging information sharing and effective event management

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