Mining for User-Defined Categorizations as an Approach for Process Simplification in Business Process Discovery


Business process discovery approaches analyse event logs to create process models describing the as-is state of the underlying processes. Because this type of process mining is especially relevant for low structured processes, there are approaches designed to deal with such processes by simplifying the resulting model. Such simplifications are primarily applied with metrics based on the frequency of observed behaviour. However, a high frequency of certain behaviour is not synonymous with a high relevance to the user. Consequently, this paper applies a design science research approach to design and implement a business process discovery approach based on user-defined categories to guarantee relevance to the respective user. During one design science research cycle, a design theory consisting of design requirements and design principles is constructed, a method called categorization approach is created, and this method implemented in a software artefact is evaluated with regard to perceived usefulness in an expert survey

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