An Industrial Application of Business Intelligence Approach to the Electronic Defence Sector


In the age of digital transformation, the availability of data is growing ex-ponentially leading companies to struggle in processing big data while not missing out useful insights to focus on their business development strate-gy. In this scenario, always more often companies are making use of Busi-ness Intelligence platforms that could allow them to collect, analyses and disseminate data in real time to face the dynamic of the market. This paper aims to apply a Business Intelligence approach that adopts OSINT (open-source intelligence) and SOCMINT (Social Media Intelligence) techniques to Defence Electronics Market to analyse how this technology could facili-tate Companies decision-making process by providing them with a distinct competitive advantage. In this frame we used QUIPO intelligence platform for an industrial scenario analysis in the Defence Electronics sector. This is an initial research to study the correlation between the experimental OSINT analysis carried out by the intelligence platform and the information based on the internal experience and know-how of the company for the use case study

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