A Preaching Strategy Toward Spirituality, Renewal and Unity at the Cornerstone Seventh-day Adventist Church


Problem In September 2015, I was assigned by the British Columbia Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as sole pastor of the Cornerstone Adventist Church. Upon arrival and surveying the congregation it was clear the church was in a state of decline. There was a high percentage of inactive membership, as evidenced in low Sabbath worship attendance, lack of ministry participation, and members failing to invite others to church. There was also conflict due to a lack of spirituality, unity, and renewal. This had also negatively affected the church membership. Method The professional dissertation project utilized conflict resolution literature, preaching practices relating to conflict resolution, and congregational renewal literature. Using these strategies, I formulated a series of seminars— preaching revival and renewal sermons—to assist in resolving the current conflicts and prepare the church to resolve future disagreements while growing successfully. Results The results of the method used reveal that this project was an effective means in bringing renewal to the Cornerstone Seventh-day Adventist Church, thus laying a foundation for future conflict resolution. The research was helpful, for it enriched the seminar series. The survey questionnaire helped guide in the selection of the seminar content and made it more relevant to the participants. In addressing the specific concerns of the congregation, greater unity and spirituality were realized. Conclusions Being a part of this project was satisfying. The opportunity to preach relevant sermons in a seminar format, informed by extensive research, demonstrated that there are resources available to bring unity to a group and set the stage for future conflict resolution strategy. Involving the congregation in the project reaped positive results. The surveys provided opportunity for participants to suggest desired sermon topics or scripture passages for clarity or understanding. This increased the congregation\u27s spirituality through the spoken word of God and created greater unity among the members

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