Optimizing a Full-time Music Ministry Team for a Church Planting Project in the Northern Asia-pacific Division


Problem. Despite the support of the music ministry of the Golden Angels (GA), a full-time music ministry team of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) for the Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM), a church planting project of the NSD, PMM missionaries request changes be made to the ministry of the Golden Angels be optimized to meet the needs. Task. The task of this project is to develop and implement strategies for optimizing the music ministry of the GA to better ensure the success of the PMM evangelistic meetings. Results. Currently, eight young people from four different countries are members of the ninth group of Golden Angels and are actively working for the PMM evangelistic meetings in the various mission fields of NSD. In 2012, the Golden Angels will support the PMM evangelistic meetings in several cities of China for the first time. In addition, in August, the Golden Angels ninth group will extend their ministry to Russia, at the Euro-Asia Division’s Pathfinder Camporee. David Ng, the president of the China Union Mission, expressed his willingness to organize a full-time singing group. The Mongolia Mission Field (MMF) already has a full-time singing group called the Descendants. Albert Kuhn, the newly appointed director of MMF, expressed his personal wish to support and own the Descendants as the professional full-time singing group for the mission in Mongolia. Conclusions. The Golden Angels must first seek to meet the needs of the PMM mission field by preparing more songs in field language and become humble and zealous singing missionaries for the sake of saving souls in the mission fields. The Northern Asia-Pacific Division needs to study how to better organize full-time singing groups in each union. This study indicated that three quarters of the PMM respondents supported this step as the most ideal way to ignite the mission spirit among the countries in the NSD. The church leadership of the 13 world divisions needs to consider taking the revolutionary step demonstrated by the NSD when they launched the PMM, HHMM, and the Golden Angels. The first step has been taken; the challenge is to take the giant step forward and, by His power, incorporate full time music ministry teams throughout the world church

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