A Study of the Perceived Influence of Collective Bargaining on the Functional Role of the Michigan High School Principal


Problem. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived impact of collective bargaining on the functional role of the public high-school principal in Michigan. The study focused on the perceptions of practicing educators in Michigan. Perceptions were sought from superintendents, principals, and teachers in K-12 public school-districts. Data Collection, Methods, and Procedures. Data were collected by means of a mailed questionnaire from a sample of the 529 K-12 public-school districts in Michigan. Power analysis helped determine that 106 school districts were needed to have a significant study. Replies were received from 100 of the 106 districts for a return rate of approximately 94 percent. The survey was completed in June 1982. The data were analyzed by use of a computer to determine statistical significance. The chi-square test of analysis was used to determine statistical significance. Major Findings. There is a significant difference among the perceptions of superintendents, principals, and teachers on the perceived impact of collective bargaining on the functional role of the public high-school principal in Michigan. The superintendents perceived three (Instructional, Personnel, and Pupil services) of the five subcomponent roles to be statistically significant. The principals perceived one (Pupil services) of the five subcomponent roles to be statistically significant. The teachers perceived two (Instructional and Professional relations) of the five subcomponent roles to be statistically significant. All responding groups perceived the Community relations role to be statistically nonsignificant. The sponsorship of extracurricular activities was the item perceived as most affected by collective bargaining. Conclusions. Superintendents and teachers perceived the impact of collective bargaining on the principal to be greater than did the principals. The greatest impact was made on the Personnel role. The least impact was made on the Community-relations role. It appeared that the effect of contract implementation was considerable. Analyzation of questionnaire items showed the superintendent-principal group to be the most alike in their perceptions. Further analyzation showed the principal-teacher group to be the least alike in their perceptions. The most change was perceived by the superintendents. The least change was perceived by the principals

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