Multi criteria decision making to optimize the best runoff control measures for the Haditha Dam Reservoir, Iraq


In Iraq, the two dominating surface water sources are Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in which some dams constructed on both of them forming reservoirs. The Haditha Dam reservoir is one of the most essential sources of drinking, irrigation, flood control and hydropower generation in Anbar State, Western Iraq. Besides, the reservoir is a unique habitat with a wide spectrum of biodiversity. The objective of this study is to investigate and monitor the water quality in Haditha Dam reservoir and introduce Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) as a means to highlight the best runoff control measures depending on selected criteria and criteria weights. Experts were interviewed for the selection of criteria and for the assignment of the weight factor and scores. Four criteria from three categories such as technical, economic and environmental aspects were selected. Results from this study indicated that a the difference in TSS and Turbidity between the dry and wet seasons necessitates the installation of runoff control measures. It was found that the soil binders, sediment basin and diversion channel are the best alternatives for controlling erosion, sediment and drainage respectively. The sensitivity analysis showed very strong decisions made by the experts for the technical, economic and environmental criteria.Validerad;2020;Nivå 1;2020-10-19 (alebob)</p

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