Environmentally friendly flameretardants for cellulose-basedmaterials


Flame retardants are commonly used as a way to reduce the risk of fire. However, many of the currently used flame retardants are toxic and hazardous to the environment. Therefore, there are incentives to find safer alternatives. In nature, there are many substances that can function as non-toxic and environmentally friendly flame retardants. Phytic acid is the main storage form of phosphorus in plants and can be found in e.g. nuts and cereals. Amino acids are the building blocks of enzymes and proteins. Many common metal ions are important nutrients.Reference groupAnders Lundberg, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)Leif Andersson, ProtegaMattias Delin, BrandforskRobert McNamee, RISEThomas Gell, GellCon</p

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