Game Design : Social Learning Games for Kids


This is the report for the final thesis in Game Design at Luleå University of Technology. The work was done in Skellefteå University which is part of LTU. This document contains the background and goal of the project, how it was done and the results together with the final conclusions of the work. The work was done for a project called Meet, Play and Learn, a collaboration made up by several institutes and universities around Scandinavia. Their goal was to research and develop social learning games for children with diabetes and the goal of this thesis was to create a few ideas and game concepts for that project. The work of this thesis include the process of researching type 1 diabetes, children and their gaming habits, games and their potential as a learning tool and how all of it comes together in the design process. The result are five game concepts, each with their own unique way of approaching the challenge of designing social learning games for kids.Validerat; 20120511 (anonymous

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