
Compositional synthesis of temporal fault trees from state machines


Dependability analysis of a dynamic system which is embedded with several complex interrelated components raises two main problems. First, it is difficult to represent in a single coherent and complete picture how the system and its constituent parts behave in conditions of failure. Second, the analysis can be unmanageable due to a considerable number of failure events, which increases with the number of components involved. To remedy this problem, in this paper we outline an analysis approach that converts failure behavioural models (state machines) to temporal fault trees (TFTs), which can then be analysed using Pandora -- a recent technique for introducing temporal logic to fault trees. The approach is compositional and potentially more scalable, as it relies on the synthesis of large system TFTs from smaller component TFTs. We show, by using a Generic Triple Redundant (GTR) system, how the approach enables a more accurate and full analysis of an increasingly complex system

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