
Three-Dimensional Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Novel Imaging and Characterization Technique with Nanometer Scale Resolution for Materials Science


Three-dimensional transmission electron microscopy (3D-TEM), effectuated by multiple imaging of a sample combined with image analysis, offers a new approach in materials science to obtain 3D information of complex solid materials. Here we report first-of-its-kind results that have been obtained with zeolite materials. Virtual cross-sections and volume rendering of the 3D reconstruction of a metal/zeolite crystal (Ag/NaY) give unequivocal information on the location of the silver particles (10-40 nm in diameter). Virtual cross-sections of the 3D reconstruction of an acid-leached mordenite show the three-dimensional mesoporous channel system (3-20 nm in diameter) with a clarity and definition not seen before

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