Unusual landings of large sized Yellowfin tuna by purse seiners at Karwar, Karnataka


Unusual landings of large sized Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) was observed at Baithkol Fisheries Harbour, Karwar during the period 16th to 22nd February 2020. Six tunas were landed by two purse-seiners with individual weights ranging from 68 kg to 103 kg. One purse-seine unit landed with only one yellowfin tuna weighing 68 kg in the early morning hours of 16.2.2020. The other multiday purse-seine unit of OAL 19.8 meter overall length (OAL) fitted with a 350 hp Sonatrac engine was operated at a depth of 54 meter off Belekeri (N 140 38’ 100” E 0730 52’ 500”) during night hours on 18.2.2020 and four yellowfin tuna weighing 103, 97, 82 and 78 kg each were hauled in and sent immediately by a carrier boat to landing centr

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