Large Pelagics fisheries along Odisha coast – An overview


The large pelagics fishery along Odisha coast is supported by resources such as seerfish, queenfish, tuna, barracuda, cobia, needlefish, billfish, dolphinfish and rainbow runner. The annual landings of large pelagics during the period 2007-2019 showed marked fluctuations with a declining trend and average landings of 5711 tonnes. Seerfish contributed 43% of total large pelagic landings followed by queen fish (31%), tuna (14%) and barracuda (7%). Major gears contributing to the landings were long lines (36%), followed by trawl nets (24%), gill nets (22%) and ringseines (11%). The fishery for large pelagics peaks during January to March and October – December periods with lowest landings during the April -June months and coinciding with a monsoon fishing ban period. These fishes which have low demand in local markets due to its large size and high prices are mostly iced immediately after auctioning and sent to distant markets

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