Spotted Guitarfish Rhinobatos punctifer


The Spotted Guitarfish (Rhinobatos punctifer) occurs from the northern Red Sea to Sea of Oman and Arabian Gulf/Persian Gulf (hereafter referred to as the 'Gulf') to depths of 70 m. Due to previous misidentification with the Bengal Guitarfish (Rhinobatis annandalei), accurate information on the species is limited. Guitarfish are commonly caught in gillnet, trawl and line fisheries throughout the region, but specific threats to this species are poorly known due to the lack of information on distribution and fisheries data. Declines of several species of inshore guitarfish have been documented within the region and present levels of catches are of concern with fishing pressure increasing. Furthermore, the loss and modification of coastal habitats in the Gulf is a significant concern for inshore species such as this. A decline of <30% is suspected across its range due to current levels of fishing, which is ongoing and suspected to result in a future decline over the next three generation periods (2017-2032). The species is therefore assessed as Near Threatened (nearly meeting VU A2d+3d). Further investigation of this species is required to accurately define its range, biology, extent of catches in local fisheries and levels of declines. This assessment should be revisited as soon as this is available

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