
Coral bleaching: causes, consequences and mitigation


The coral reefs are distributed in the tropical regions and cover less than one percent of the earth’s surface, but provide habitat for many species in the marine realm. The majority of reef building corals are found in tropical and subtropical waters and typically occur between 30° N and 30° S latitudes (Fig. 1). Coral reefs are greatly valued due for their beauty, biodiversity it encompasses and the products and services they provide to human society. The coral reefs are made of calcium carbonate secreted as skeletal material by the coral polyp. Coral polyps live in association with intracellular algae (zooxanthellae), which provide additional nutrition to the coral in its life processes. The association of coral polyp with zooxanthellae, restrict its distribution in waters up to the depth of 100 meters where sunlight would be available for the photosynthetic zooxanthellae. The worldwide of zooxanthellate corals in the different distribution eco-regions is a unique underwater ecosystem and provides annual net economic benefit around 30 billion dollars (Buddemeier et al., 2004 Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 44p). However, coral reefs are most vulnerable to Climate Change due to the stenothermic nature of coral polyps

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