
Assessment of low value bycatch and its application for management of trawl fisheries


In recent years, large quantities of low value bycatch (LVB) are landed by trawlers for use as fish meal and in fertilizer. Several fish meal plants have been established and high demand for the raw material is acting as an incentive for catching and landing large quantities of LVB. In Karnataka (a coastal state along west coast of India) alone, the annual turnover of fish meal and fertilizer plants is estimated to be around 270 million rupees (= 4.6 million US$).The landed LVB is turning out to be a sizeable income to the trawl operators. There are several concerns related to increasing bycatch of the trawlers. The bycatch is comprised of a high percentage of juveniles of commercially important species, resulting in recruitment overfishing. With the introduction of high speed semi-pelagic trawls, the adults of low-valued, small-sized adult fishes are also removed in large quantities, impacting the coastal marine resources. The current situation demands a robust management plan addressing the issues of the bycatch and in this regard information on quantities, value and composition of lVB landed and/or discarded, and seasonality of the catch are essential

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