
Evolution of Institutional Repository at CMFRI


The paper traces the evolution of IR at CMFRI which is an initiative to implement IR at other ICAR Institutes. Discusses the lessons learned and best practices for implementing IRs and will pave way for other ICAR Institutions and State Agricultural Universities in India the examine the feasibility of IRs in the Indian context. CMFRI first introduced the Green Stone Digital Library (GSDL) software for uploading the scanned scientific papers and experienced some Hurdles. Realizing the difficulty in this software, selected Eprints software Version 3.1.3 which is freely available at developed by University of Southampton, UK. The Eprints software produces the necessary Dublin Core metadata for harvesting by service providers. The repository configures a new archive with a set of metadata fields aims at an archive of research papers. The CMFRI institutional repository is titled as Eprints@CMFRI. The steps in implementing the IR are summarized and lessons articulated

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