


Fishes with fairly elongate bodies, moderatey compressed; whole head and body scaled except at extreme tip of snout. Head with enlarged cavernous canals; snout rounded or blunty pointed; sensory pores often conspicuous on tip of snout (rostral pores), on lower edge of snout (marginal pores) and on chin (mental pores); usually 3 to 5 rostral pores on tip of snout, 5 nearer anterior margin of mouth and 3 pairs on lower jaw; bottom feeders (Johnius carutta, Johnius elongatus) have well developed rostral and mental pores whereas in midwaterfeeders (Otolithes, Argyrosomus) the pores are indistinct, one or 2 mental barbells sometimes present on chin, solid (Dendrophysa russelli, Johnius dussumieri), or with a pore at tip (Umbrina); mouth terminal (Otholithes, Pennahia), subterminai (Protonibea); inferior (Johnius, Umbrina) or lower jaw projecting (Atractoscion); teeth generally small, usually differentiated into larger and smaller in upper jaw; well developed canines may be present in both jaws (Otolithes ruber); teeth in, lower jaw may be in a villiform band (Johnius), with a slightly enlarged inner row (Johnieops sina, Johnieops aneus). or with well developed enlarged teeth (Pennahia, Protonibea, Nibea albida); roof of mouth (vomer and palatine bones) toothless; bony edge of opercle forked at its upper angle, appearing as a pair of soft spines connected by a thin bone; a rounded. scaled bony arojection present above upper end of gill slit; gillrakers on lower limb of first arch dentate, their number varying from 5 to 16

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