
Histomorphology of the Hypothalamo – Neurosecretory System of the Indian Scad, Decapterus tabl (Berry)


Hypothalamo-neurosecretory complex of Decapterus fabl consists mainly of the nucleus preopticus (NPO), nucleus lateral is tuberis (NL T) and their zonal tracts. The neurosecretory cells of NPO are generally bipolar and stain readily with aldehyde fuchsin (AF) and chrom-alum -hematoxylin-phloxine (CAPH) but they are also positive to acid fuchsin in Mallory's triple stain. NPO is a paired structure situated on either side of the third ventricle antero-dorsal to the optic chiasma. It is highly vascularized structure and looks inverted L.-shape in the sagittal section

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