The microscopic plant components of the sea, excluding the macroscopic seaweeds, form the microalgae or
phytoplankton. They arc the primary producers synthesizing the basic food for all the larval forms in a marine
ecosystem. They belong to the Class Algae, which besides chlorophyll possess other characteristic pigments. The
important components of microalgae are: Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), Dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), Bluegreen
algae (Cyanophyceae), Phytoflagellatcs (Chlorophyceae, Haptophyccac, Cryptophyceae) and Nanoplankters
(Chiarella, Nannachlaropsis). Besides, two other subclasses - Silicoflagellates and Coccolilhophores also belong
to the microalgae since they are autotrophic organisms. Culture of microalgae is an essential component in any type
of hatchery system. Blooms of toxic phytoplankton causes severe hannful effects to the aquatic system and
sometimes causes mass mortality of fishes in coastal waters. Based on the productivity of an ecosystem, potential
harvcstable resources can be estimated. Recent estimates based on phytoplankton production indicated that vast
exploitable resources are available from the Indian seas