
Socio-economic profile of shrimp farmers and its influence on the extent of adoption of shrimp culture technologies


The study of the socio-economic profile of shrimp farmers of Nellore in Andhra Pradesh and Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu revealed that 40% of the shrimp farmers had collegiate level of education, and they had medium levels of farming experience, information seeking behaviour, extension contact~ economic motivation and risk orientation. The resu lts of correlation analysis revealed that of the seventeen independent variables studied eleven independent v'ariables had positive and significant relationship with the extent of adoption of shrimp culture technologies by shrimp farmers of Nellore. Among the shrimp farmers of Nagapattinam, seven independent variables had positive and significant relationship with the extent of adoption. The results of step• wise multiple regression analysis revealed that variables such as information seeking behaviour, credit orientation and material possession expfained 48(10 of the variation in the extent of adoption by shrimp farmers of Nellore and variables like extens ion contact, risk orientation, farming experience, type of ownership, annual income and material possession explained 84 percent of the variation in the extent of adoption by shrimp farmers of Nagapattinam

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