
Effects of environmental factors on diurnal periodicity of tetraspore output in some red algae of Visakhapatnam coast


Effects of environmental factors such ·as desiccat ion, salin it y, light aOO temperat ure on the diurnal period ic ity in liberation of tetraspores in Gelidium pusillum, Pterocla:1ia heteroplatos and Gelid iopsis vmiabilis were sh.died. Desiccation of ff OrdS, salinity ard continuous dark or light at different intensities had no effect on the diurnal periodicity in spore output in these three red algae. The temperature of sea wat er was the primary factor controll ing the peak output of spores. Peak liber ation of spores was delayed for 4-12 hr in a day in G. pusillum and G. variabilis when the temperature of sea water was below JO"C

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