
Mussel farming initiatives in north Kerala, India: a case of successful adoption of technology, leading to rural livelihood transformation


The Malabar region, extending from Malappuram to Kasargode districts of Northern Kerala, is a well-known mussel fi shery zone of India. Over 7,000 t (80%) of the total green mussel (Perna viridis) catch is exploited annually from this zone. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) developed techniques for mussel culture in 1971 and subsequently fi eld demonstrations in different areas with direct involvement of local rural folk were carried out1. Demonstrations to popularise this technology have led to adoption of this simple farming method particularly in the Malabar region2. The Malabar coast has extensive backwaters and estuaries, which are suitable for mussel farming during the post monsoon months (November to May) when higher saline conditions prevail. Farming activity during this period provides an opportunity for supplementary livelihood and additional income to the coastal rural population

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