
The seerfish resources


The seerfishcs are inshore pelagic fishes, distributed mainly in areas within 60 m depth contour. The mean annual seerfish catch of 17,852 t for 1964-81 was accounted for almost equally by the east coast (49.66%) and the west coast (50.34%). While the bulk of the east coast catch came from Tamilnadu (47.91%) tod Andhra Pradesh (40.34%), the States of Kerala (35.48%), Maharashtra (23.44%) and Gujarat (23.14%) contributed the bulk to the west coast. The progressively increasing trend from 1964 to 1981 owes to the increasing number of mechanised gilhietters operating for the larger catch including the seerfishes. (23.44%) and Gujarat (23.14%) contributed the bulk to the west coast. The progressively increasing trend from 1964 to 1981 owes to the increasing number of mechanised gilhietters operating for the larger catch including the seerfishes

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