
New Fish meal plant at Karwar to process oil sardine


Karnataka recorded an appreciable catch of 1,00,179 t of oil sardine in 2007. The boom in oil sardine landings has lead to the establishment of a new fish meal plant at Baithkol landing centre of Karwar which became functional in March, 2008 (Fig. 1). The Karnataka Fisheries Development Board has leased out the fish meal plant to a private company, Sai Annapoorna Bio-Protein Private Ltd. The products manufactured by the fish meal plant are fish oil and fish meal powder. They supply fish oil to CP Aquamarine which exports the fish oil to south-east Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand. The fish meal powder is used as prawn feed and it is procured and marketed by CP Aquamarine. The company procures fish from Mangalore to Goa from boat owners and agents. The average supply of fish is 200 t/day. The company processes only oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) for the manufacture of fish meal and fish oil

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