
Isolation and culture of protoplasts from agar yielding seaweed Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva


Viable protoplasts werl! isokn~d [rom cuJt ure~ thallus of ag<J.r y~ilding red ::)~aweed GI"Gciiarill eduhs using an cnzymc mixture of 3% ONOZUKt"\ R-IO cdlulase 3% R-\ 0 maceroz),lll c, 1% agarasc and 1% pectinase in a seawr!cd protoplast washing mediulI1 (SPW) containing seawater and 1 M mannitol. After repeated washing wiih sterile ml:dium, the pro~op l il ISweremaintainedinlightandattemptsweremadeoneJ..::ctrofllsiollofprotopl;JIS were maintained in light and attempts were made on eJ..::ctrofllsioll of protopl;Jts

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