
Economic analysis of prawn culture in Andhra Pradesh - Some preliminary findings


Inadaquate supply of quality seed is one of the chief constraints that impedes the quick development of ptawn culture. Estuaries still remain the largest source of prawn seed supply. They are likely to remain so atleast for sometime in offing before the hatchery production of seeds is undertaken commercially and massively. The Marine Products Export development Authority assists the prawn farmers in setting up prawn seed banks by providing technical assistance on prawn culture, undertaking site selection and farm surveys, preparing project reports for submitting to the banks to get financial assistance, releasing subsidy to the tune of 16% on the capital cost of the project and providing continued technical assistance throughout the culture period. Already some prawn farmers have started establishing such prawn seed banks and supplying prawn seed commercially. This paper presents and discusses results of case studies on the economic feasibility of setting up prawn seed banks by fish farmers/prawn farmers

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