Artificial spawning was successfully conducted in Dussumieria acuta Valenciennes (Family: Dussumieriidae), a marine pelagic fish, by stripping the fully ripe female and male. The experiment was conducted on board a privately owned shrimp trawler operated in the Palk Bay, by participating in one of its night fishing trips, on 2nd March, 1973. The stripped eggs and milt were mixed in
filtered sea water. Majority of the eggs were fertilized. Detailed microscopic studies were conducted the next day in the laboratory. The first larva hatched out 24 hours after fertilization. The larvae could be reared only upto 48 hours after hatching. The developmental stages of the embryo and the larva are described and discussed. It is suggested that the technique of artificial spawning by stripping and early ranching of the embryos into the sea, if arried out by the fishermen in a variety of commercially
important species which it is possible on board the fishing vessels on a large scale, can increse the natural production