
Preliminary observations on the biology and fisheries of the thread-fin, Polydactylus indicus shaw in the Bombay and Saurashtra waters


The thread-fins {Polynemidce) constitute an important group of commercial fishes in Indian waters of which Polydactylus indicus forms probably the most important species in Bombay and Saurashtra coasts. Except for stray records of the different species of the family in various localities and of a brief study of the breeding season and maturity of Eleutheronema tetradactylum by Karandikar and Palekar (1950), and a descriptive account of the larval development of the same species by Sarojini and Malhotra (1952), very little pubUshed information is available regarding the distribution, food and feeding habits, maturity, breeding, commercial catches etc. of this important group of fishes. During the two years, 1951-53, a detailed study of the exploratory trawl catches of the cutters, M. T. " Pratap " and M. T. " Ashok ", of the Government of India Deep Sea Fishing Station, Bombay, and of the commercial catches of the Japanese trawler, " Taiyo Maru " No. 17, of the Taiyo Fishing Co., Ltd., Bombay, was made, with biological observations on the diifferent groups of fishes as they were hauled up on board the vessels, or, in a few cases, at the dock where the catches were landed. The observations made on Polydactylus indicus (locally called Dara or Dhara) are given in this communication

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