
VI pearl Oysters


Pearls are formed in a number of species of molluscs viz., the pearl oysters, window-pane oysters, edible oysters, fresh-water mussels, abalones, chanks, topshells, turban shells etc. Pearls formed in some of the pearl oyster species are valued very highly as gems because of their excellent shape, quality and lustre. Pearl oysters enjoy a world-wide distribution occuring in almost all the seas of the tropical belt. Six species of pearl oysters are known from the Indian coasts viz. Pinctada fucata (Gould), P. margaritifera (Linnaeus), P. chemnitzii (Philippi), P. sugillata {Ree\e), P. anomioides (Reeve) and P. atropurpurea (Dunker). Of those, P. fucata which occurs in extensive beds in the Gulf of Mannar and to a much less extent in the Gulf of Kutch is commercially very important being the source of the 'Oriental pearls' or 'Lingah' pearls of great renown. P. fucata occurring in the Persian Gulf and off the coasts of Ceylon also supports excellent fisheries for natural pearls. The Indian pearl fisheries have been famous since ancient times for the most beautiful pearls they yield. The other five species of pearl oysters on the Indian coasts arc not of any importance as their pearl yield is low or the pearls produced by them are not of high quality

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