
Fishery, biology and stock assessment of carangid resources from the Indian seas


The estimated landings of carangids in India during 198 1-88 ranged between 37 345 tonnes and 135 529 tonnes, whereas the percentage composition of carangids in the total fish Wigs ranged from 2.7 to 8.1. The overage annual catch and the percentage of carangids in the total marine fish landings were estimated at 74 080 tonnes and 4.5% respectively. Tamil Nadu (17.7%) and Andhra Mesh (8.8%) from east coast and Kerala (34%). KamPtakn (17.6%) and Maharashtra (9.9%) from west coast yielded good catches of carangids. Megu1uspi.r cnrdylu. Decaptcrus russelli, Alepes kallu, Atropus atropus, Alepes djedaba, Atule mate, Carunr curangus and Se&roide.c 1eptolepi.r contributed significantly to the fisheries of different regions. The results of stock assessment and biology of the above species are presented.M.cordylaalong east and northwest coasts,D. rus.relli along northwest coast. and C.carangus and S. leptolepis along Tamil Nadu coast arebeing exploited expending much more effort than required to realize maximum sustainable yield (MSY). But D. russelli along east and southwest coastsandA. kalla andA. djedaba alongtheKeralacoastcanbeexploitedwith increased effort of trawl net to enhance their production to MSY level. Similar condition is exhibited by M. cordyla along southwest coast for drift gill net and A. mate along Kerala coast for hooks and line

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