Activity of Indexes of Oxidative Stress in Patients with Chronic Pyelonephritis


The objective of the research - the study of features of oxidative stress (OS) and oxidant-antioxidant (O/A) imbalance in blood of patients with pyelonephritis (PN) depending on the course and complications. Materials and methods. The study involved 88 women with chronic PN: 48 patients with uncomplicated chronic PN (CNcPN) and 40 patients with complicated chronic PN(CCPN). Control group - 30 healthy women. We defined the content of malonic dialdehyde (MDA), ceruloplasmin (CP), transferrin (TR), SH-groups in the blood serum of patients. Also expected index of OS (OSI). In addition, urine was determined lysosomal enzyme activity - total N-acetyl-b-D-glucominidase (NAG) and b-galactosidase (b-Gal). Results. It is shown that in patients with chronic PN compared with controls has been a violation O/A balance: the value OSI in 96% of patients exceeded the average value in the control group, almost 4.5 times (p<0.001). Analysis of the activity of OS, depending on the course of chronic PN (complicated, uncomplicated) showed that the serum of patients with disturbed O/A balance in both groups (growth rates of MDA and indices of OSI amid falling TR and SH-groups), but a negative change - in patients with CCPN. Also found that a significant effect on the change in these indicators gave the most recurrent PN: for patients with CNcPN with recurrent course characterized by lower values of TR (36%) and CP (16%) compared with those of the group of patients with CNcPN without recurrence. It is shown that in patients with chronic PN with uncomplicated recurrent course of the activity of general NAG in the urine of patients was 20.25 ± 1.83 mkM/h/mM, which is significantly more than that of the control group (p<0.001) and a similar figure in the group of patients with chronic PN nonrelapsive course (p<0.001). The activity of NAG and b-Gal in the urine of patients with CCPN data on average considerably higher than the same indicator in patients with CNcPN (p<0.01). Conclusions. Consequently, it was found that patients with chronic PN occurs breach O/A balance of blood, accompanied by activation of MDA in changes background activity indices and changes in antioxidant defense enzyme activity renal specific urine - NAG and b-Gal that leads to the development of OS in the kidney, the activity of which is primarily due to the disease - complicated or uncomplicated, recurrent or nonrecurrent

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